Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April and the Importance of stopping child abuse.

Child abuse is a growing problem in America, with more and more children being senselessly beaten by their parents for no apparent reason. This reminds me quite so of the novel we just recently finished reading in class, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". It shows the readers that child abuse is a problem older than time itself, or even that really old janitor that works at schools and prison, and he's really old. Huck Finn is beaten by his father, as is Anke in "Because I Am Furniture".  Statistics Graph Number of Child Deaths Per Day Due To Child Abuse and Neglect
 This is a handy dandy chart that shows the average deaths due to child abuse per DAY per DAY folks, you heard it here, so really the moral of the post is that April is/was national child abuse awareness month. And that beating kids is really not good. Now I do realize that there are plenty of you out there who may want to just have a kid for the sake of beating the snot out of them, and I, being but a simple blogger, would recommend that you don't beat them. If you want to beat something up, become a professional boxer or something, that is all. 

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