Thursday, May 17, 2012

Anthological Animoto

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thalia Chaltas, Perfect for acrostics.

Thalia Chaltas

An acrostic is a favorite type of poem of mine, just as Thalia Chaltas, author of the fine "Because I Am Furniture" is a favorite author of mine. I glanced at Thalia's website recently, and saw more of her books, that are also similarly geared towards tales of empowering the youth. Also, multitudes of her releases are actually collections of poetry, so it makes quite a bit of since to attribute such poetry to her essence. She has confessed to reporters that many of the writings she posts are based on actual events from her own personal life. She changes names as to avoid embarrassing anyone involved with the stories. The fact that she is willing to throw out details of her own life to the public, really shows how strong of a woman she is, and is setting a model for all women everywhere, to stand up and turn their lives, no matter how bleak or dreary they may be, and turn it into a literary empire worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Don't Hit Me No More Daddy

Following is an original poetic piece of mine, the original concept ran into my mind after reading "Because I Am Furniture" by Thalia Chaltas. This is purely reflectional of the book, in my own personal life no beating occurs of anyone within my household to my knowledge. Don't beat your kids, bloggers.

Don't Hit Me No More Daddy
The fire in his eyes
The fury in his swings.
What did I do,
To deserve this?

Nothing is as strong
as the crack
of an oaken chair
across my bare back

Mother hides in the shadows,
unwilling to draw his sight.
As I take the pain,
so she may sleep at night.

Solace is found away from home,
in a quiet corner, so peaceful.
I could never believe that my life
could become such a statistic.

Just one time
I yearn to tell him,
That I am through with this torture,
Daddy, Please, Don't hit me no more.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April and the Importance of stopping child abuse.

Child abuse is a growing problem in America, with more and more children being senselessly beaten by their parents for no apparent reason. This reminds me quite so of the novel we just recently finished reading in class, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". It shows the readers that child abuse is a problem older than time itself, or even that really old janitor that works at schools and prison, and he's really old. Huck Finn is beaten by his father, as is Anke in "Because I Am Furniture".  Statistics Graph Number of Child Deaths Per Day Due To Child Abuse and Neglect
 This is a handy dandy chart that shows the average deaths due to child abuse per DAY per DAY folks, you heard it here, so really the moral of the post is that April is/was national child abuse awareness month. And that beating kids is really not good. Now I do realize that there are plenty of you out there who may want to just have a kid for the sake of beating the snot out of them, and I, being but a simple blogger, would recommend that you don't beat them. If you want to beat something up, become a professional boxer or something, that is all. 

Because I Am Wordchef

This handy dandy image is courtesy of the fine folks over at, all of the words within the mosaic are directly related to the story, "Because I Am Furniture". Many of the words are specific articles of furniture, I.e. chair, table, to represent the lifelessness that is directly attributed to Anke and her life in her dastardly home. Abuse is incorporated more than any other word in the mosaic, because it is the most prevalent theme throughout the entire novel. If I could describe this book in three words, it would be: Abuse,  destruction, and pillaging.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Abuse and Animoto, Like Ice Cream and Hot Fudge

     This is an animoto that is geared entirely towards furniture, and feelings. The music was chosen at random, so it may or may not correlate with the images and text that are flying towards the viewer. Many of the furnitures are showing emotions of a regular person's life, be it happiness, sadness, or feelings of abandonment. I realize that typically I have the decency to download the animoto and then import it straight into the blog post, however, today, loyal viewers, you must go to the source of all animotos, and for that I apologize.

Because I Am Furniture, An Introduction.

     This quarter I have the pleasure of reading over "Because I Am Furniture" by Thalia Chaltas. The book is told from the perspective of Anke, who is a member of a family with an abusive father. All throughout the book Anke watches her brother and sister get beaten and molested by her father. Anke feels as if she is a lesser member of the family because she is the only one who is not assaulted by her father. She finds her solace in her Volleyball playing, and sleeping in her neighbor Jed's basement whilst watching movies. The story is told through an intricate weaving of prose poetry, the fact that the layout of the book is different than that of a regular book makes it much easier to read than any other book I have read this year.
     This book is one of the two that least applied to my daily life as far as the read for a lifetime list, right up there with the novel about the border hopping Latino gentleman falling in love with the most popular girl in the high school, simply due to his massive connections within the cocaine trade. Besides that, this book has received rave reviews from critics everywhere for the powerful emotions it causes within it's readers, those who read it with an open mind or that of a beaten child. Not too terribly much more could be said about the novel without totally spoiling it for anyone out there who was planning on reading it, which I would recommend.