Thursday, October 20, 2011

GUESS WHO'S BACK, BACK AGAIN, GUESS WHO'S BACK, TELL SOME FRIENDS. (No Seriously, tell your friends, blogging round 2 could use some more followers.)

   Ok, so last quarter's blog was officially wrapped up last week, and this is the first entry for a brand new quarter! Hooray! Our fancy prompt here says that we are to reflect on our blog of quarter's past. Well, last quarter's blog for me was alright. I attempted to keep everything interesting to the outside readers, but the real glory of my blog was that almost every single joke in there would only be understood by me, or someone who knows me rather well. Hopefully a good majority of that business can be avoided with this new series of blogging, and the average reader will be able to slap his/her knees once in a while whilst reading this nice blog. Last quarter i had some problems, just with keeping up with the assignments. There would be one blog assignment that would just completely rid me of the blogging spirit so t speak, and hopefully there are none of those this quarter. Cause me gusta blogging.

    Paragraph two is designated via prompt to contain information on my attitude, changing and whatnot, towards blogging. I can comfortably say that I need blogging like a fish needs to be hooked in the gills and ripped out of the water, then cut up and eaten by a bunch of fish-craving rednecks.Which needless to say, is not at all. But that doesn't mean that it is something that i don't enjoy! Simply by hearing about the alternate assignment has created a fiery love for blogging within my soul. I would much  rather just write some nice conversational text on a 76% anonymous blog than have to write a whole bunch of mini-formal analysis papers. So yeah, blogging is cool, writing masses of text is not. Which makes me glad that i never lived back in the time of 'ol Jesus, cause i could not stand having to write everything out. Jesus was the original blogger. And i respect that.

     Now, back down to business, for the second quarter i have chosen Dream Keeper by Langston Hughes, for various reasons.One reason was the fact that this book is really really short, which would allow me to finish all of the material, and focus all of my time on converting all of my thoughts onto the book into blog form. Which could greatly increase the quality of my blog. And just like my mom used to say, "Michael, do your damn blog, you are not getting another B in english!' Taking the words of my dear mother to heart, i intend to bring poetry to the masses through blogging round 2.


  1. i cant wait to see your new blog for this quarter. your style of vocab choice is... appealing. dont drop the jokes. theyre funny. it'll be interesting to see how you apply your sense of humor to Langston Hughes.

  2. Dear Michael,
    I do agree with THE PRIEST OF PAIN, that you have a very agreeable style of writing. I do enjoy the jokes quite a bit. But on the critical side, why slander the name of our lord and savior jesus christ, by comparing him to a mere blogger? And no michael, even though you are ordering me off my high horse this very second, i do ask that you keep in mind the religious sentiments of the masses. Those masses read your blog, and might not be thrilled with your comparisons. I say this through the eyes of a Puritan, because THE SCARLET LETTER we are currently reading has deeply grafted spirituality and loving of the lord into my head. Overall I enjoy your blog, but your lack of respect for the law, and for the lord is disturbing. Thank you for this.
    Goodman Richard lord praisin Ketter

  3. Wilky... reading "Goodman Richard lord praisin Ketter" 's comment, and your blog... makes me realize i associate myself with weird people... haha. Well, since you "me gusta" blogging, I'm assuming you got a good grade? You told me your score but I forgot... whoops. Your blogs entertain me, especially the titles. You just told me I better be constructive. So... um... work harder, make your blog even funnier... you're slacking. By the way... "fish-craving rednecks?" I resent that. I don't like fish. It's icky. K bye.

  4. This post and the rest of your blog are very good. The humor is much appreciated, and it helps this blog stand out like Slick in Native America. I also agree that there were many prompts that just sapped the spirit and just made it hard to get the blogging spirits flowing. Either way, your blog is very good. May your jokes stay funny
