Monday, August 29, 2011

Yo Dawg i heard you like blogging.

Creator Of This Fine Blog
     Hello, my name is Michael Wilkison. And this is my blog. I am 16 years old, and i go to Carbondale Community High School. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not stalk me. I like to eat pudding, and perform interpretive dance. I don't usually read books, but when i do, i read books that aren't terrible. This blog is gonna be awesome, because reading is cool and informative. Not to mention, I do love reading.
     The real purpose of this blog is to be used for my glorious english class, to allow people who don't like to read as much as myself to learn a little bit about the books that I'm reading, which at the moment is The Great Gatsby by the illustrious F. Scot Fitzgerald. This particular book is on the list of books for the "Read For a Lifetime" Program, which has highschoolers all over the state of Illinois reading various books in an attempt by Jesse White to encourage reading more in schools. I chose The Great Gatsby because the other day i was surfing on the 'ol internet and i discovered that there was a NES game version of the book. I played through the game in all of it's entirety in one sitting, all of three levels, and it was so phenomenal that i felt compelled to read the actual inspiration for the game. Not to mention that Nick Carraway sounds like quite the suave fellow, and can throw his hat better than Jackie Chan.
Jackie Chan, visibly upset at
Nick Carraway's Hat Throwing skills
     This third paragraph has been pre-designated as the paragraph dedicated to suggesting other various topics related to the books that I read to be blogged, such as: "if the protagonist/antagonist had to be attributed to one person in the real world, who would it be, and why?" Or perhaps Something totally simple, yet invitingly engaging: "Write a brief summary of an appropriate number of pages and/or chapters in the book you are reading." Quite frankly nothing excites me more than writing a good old fashioned summary of a good read. I think summarizing is the bee's knees because that allows outsider to actually come to this blog from outside of the class, and perhaps even find it useful in some way, which would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. One other possible outlet for blogging would to be to describe an entire section of the book using only interpretive pictures, and 1 word captions, now that would be both exciting and engaging to both the class and the other folks of the blog-o-sphere.


  1. "It would be greatly appreciated if you do not stalk me." Don't think of it as "stalking", think of it as kind of a "stake out". Anyway, it's cool that you enjoy literature and writing so much, and I look forward to reading about all the things you have to say regarding your book, which is, by the way, a masterpiece. Good job picking it. As far as Nick Carraway's hat throwing skills go, I'd have to say Jackie Chan can definitely throw hats better, so long as the hat is made of Nunchaku.

  2. Dear Pudding enthusiast,
    FLYNT FLOSSY IS MY FAVORITE RAPPER. On top of that, I'm also reading "The Great Gatsby". Lastly, I adore pudding. We have now established the fact that you and I have much in common. I have also played the NES version of the book, and find is phenomenal. The way Nick Carraway mows down regiments of butlers with his trusty hat, reflects Nick's nature (actually not at all, Nick is pretty boring, It's all about Jay Gatz). Anyway, your mixture of cultures really makes your blog accessible to many different readers. I commend you on your fine literary work.
    Fellow Pudding Enthusiast,
    Richard Ketter
