Thursday, September 29, 2011

This link right here will take you folks to the glorious wikipedia page of the 1920s. Which just so happens to be the era of time that the Great Gatsby takes place. Good stuff, eh?
This link is a link to a site that contains various styles of derby hats, which can b imagined were worn during the period of time that the book takes place. Everyone loved them horse races.
  Whiskey is consumed throughout the Great Gatsby, for somewhat of a minor plot point early on. So good 'ol JD has some impact on this fine tale of love and loss.
In the novel Nick Carraway drives about in an old Ford. This site has a lotta old fords... hence the name.
This leads to the New York City website. Perhaps learning a tad about the city that takes place in the near vicinity of Fitzgerald's warped geographics will help some of you.
The fashion style in the book reminds me personally of the attire one would wear to a good horse race. So, if  you like horse racing check this link out.
In the novel the characters of both Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway were to have participated in the first world war. Get some info on the war up ther.
Nick Carraway returns from the war to be a Bondsman. Learn something about finance here, and perhaps not have to worry about sleeping on your grandmother's couch eating ramen noodles for every meal like myself.
Here's another one for you. It's just another link to something related to horse racing. You can't even fathom the vibe of the influence of horse racing upon this novel that i feel exists. Even if it isn't real. But this is the last horse link i swear.
Do you ever get that feeling that you really want to feel rich and famous and have a butler of your own? well luckily this blog post is for you. Check it out and you can have an esteemed international butler come into your home and make you all big and lazy, Just like Jay Gatsby.
In the book, Gatsby Likes to keep his lawn nice and beautiful. He even encourages that his neighbors do the same. Here you can get some quality grass seed and have your yard looking mighty jazzy in no time. (Except for the time it takes for grass to grow)
In the war, Gatsby says that he led a detachment of machine gunners. This site has various information on WWI as well as some nice information on machine gun battalions.
Mr. Gatsby is consistently referring to himself as "an oxford man". This is the oxford he speaks of. Large and elaborate, and british. ASPIRE FOLKS, ASPIRE TO BE LIKE THE GREAT GATS.
Here's a nice link to another blog. A blog within a blog, Blogception some may say. But this link has a nice picture of gatsby's prestigious vehicle. The murder machine that it is.
Oh Hey guys, did you realise that there is a Great Gatsby Movie in the works? Warner brothers studio is supposedly taking over the production. Should be a winner!
This is a link to the older version of the movie, which was made in 1926, the new one should be much more appealing, So check it out.
This is almost a useful tool for anyone using the Great Gatsby as a historical reference, though it is not historically accurate at all. Treasure hunts are pretty cool, especially on the internets.
The first step about learning about a book is to actually buy a copy of the book, this one is real fancy though, straight from Japan. Buy one, thank you, come again.
Within the book there is this shady system of color imagery that reveals deeper meanings behind everything, this post somewhat explains various colors and their meanings.

One Take Wilkison, Vlogging it up.

Alright guys, yeah, it was done the night before it was due, yeah, there are stuttering and misspeakings about, but no worries. Back in Highschool i WAS One Take Wilkison. Don't expect Total perfection is all. And the vlog itself is sideways. But hey, everyone's neck muscles could use some exercise now and again, right?

A quaint collection of comments

Numero Uno.) Broseph Stalin, It's your main homedawg Michael here, just wanted to stop in a drop a nice comment on your blog. Seems like a lot is being contributed to the literary world on here. You and I are alike in a few aspects when it comes to blogging, it can be seen that you, like myself, have yet to get everything up to date and looking snazzy. All that aside though, your book looks like quite the interesting read, and I'd love to pick it up and read it sometime. And Yes, I did simply comment on this post because no one else has yet. First!
Black Mike

Numero Dos.) Hey man, just dropping in to see how your blog is going. looks to be coming along pretty nice, my attention was immediately drawn to this particular post, for various reasons. One reason was the fact that i filmed this illustrious piece of work for you. Another staple of this post is the lack of youtub'ing privileges at our fine studying establishment, and this post appears as a large blue box with "SONICWALL" printed all over it, which really hurts my feelings. i do remember something about a sort of tangent you went on about some girl named Caroline stealing your heart. To my knowledge you had never had relations with such a woman, for the only woman we know who possesses the name Caroline is my mother. And i surely hope you have not had realations with her.
Good blogging son,
Michael Wilkison

Numero Tres.) Whaddup Brandon, just dropping by on my perusing trip on the blogosphere, and i couldn't help but notice all of the pretty pictures you have posted and the strange affiliation you have with all things meme within your blog. Besides that though, I am particularly interested in your book. You see, i am quite the Jackie Chan enthusiast, i love every movie he is even remotely in. Police Story? Ever heard of it? the man Does his own stunts and slides down an electro-pole, check it out, for realsies. But all Chan aside, this book sounds rather interesting because of the antique aspect that exists within it,nowadays a person could get around the world in 4 days give or take, with all of our spaceships, indy cars, submarines, and whatnot, long gone is the day and age of hot air balloons and massive steam engines, and for those lost days, i shed a single tear.
Much Love,
Michael "Chan" Wilkison

Thursday, September 8, 2011

THE GREAT GATSBY AS TOLD BY CLASSICAL MUSIC...Technical difficulties abound.

     I know right away what you've been wondering, "Fine proprietor of this illustrious blog, why is the post before this one so god awful?" Well you see, finding a bunch of pictures is a lot harder than one might think. And is a very time consuming process to boot. Nevertheless this post shall make up for the abundance of mediocrity in the last. Apology Accepted. Thank you. TIME FOR A NEW POST!

     Now, to me personally that up there ^ is just a bunch of random computer business that I really don't understand all that well. What I do understand though, is that it is a piece of music. A piece of classical music. The piece is by Tchaikovsky, quite frankly one of the best in the biz, in my opinion. He's right up there with my boy Tummiscratch. But this piece really describes the whole novel The Great Gatsby very very well. The grandeur and higher tension sections so to speak conjure up images, at least in my mind, of Gatsby's elaborate parties that he is always holding within his big expensive mansion. Know what's real expensive? Pianos. And that is why adding a piano to anything instantly makes it more classy and elegant, like many characters in the story. The only exception to this rule of automated elegance is anything involving the artist formerly known as Kanye West.

     Paragraph two, it's all about the characters in the book. This song really just reminds me of every single darn character in the book thus far, i mean seriously, they are all pretty jazzy, and elaborate. The book takes place in the 20s, which was an age of pure jazziness in everything, be it clothes or just sheer personality. Every single character in the book so far has been all nice and fancy, key words being so, and far. I have yet to encounter any hobos or vagabonds on the streets on New York with Tom and Nick, or in Mr. Gatsby's mansion quite yet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Smorgasbord of snapshots

Artist Rendition of Nick Carraway
Nick's old Dodge
West Egg, Where Nick Lives
Nick's friend's Mansion
Artist Rendition of Tom Carraway
Tom's wife, Daisy

New York City, a stone's throw from West Egg

Perfect For Reading
Artist Rendition of Tom Carraway's Mistress's Husband
Tom's Mistress

Artist rendition of Jordan Baker

Artist Rendition Of Jay Gatsby

Gatsby's Estate, Quite large.

WWI, Gatsby on the Left
Serious symbolism

Exciting Party at Gatsby's
Wolfsheim, so shady
Tom's mistress is killed!
Tom is angry that his mistress has been slain.

    Well that pretty much sums up what's been going down in The Great Gatsby thus far. Hopefully you can follow the slightly erratic thought process that went into adding these pictures. Until next time errybody, stay classy like Gatsby.