Tuesday, November 22, 2011

21st Century Classrooms: WELCOME TO THE FUTURE

     Alright, so all this year we have had this blogging project running. The purpose of it was to rejuvenate our interest in the literary arts by opening another canal for our creative juices to flow through. Integration of Facebook and Twitter within the blogging assignments have allowed us to spread our new way of learning to the world. Using social networking sites and blogs as learning tools has not necessarily changed our perspective of the text, moreso that it has made us learn on a more casual level. For me personally when i blog i have almost a totally different voice to my writing, compared to a regular 'ol research essay. It's much more like talking to a group of my peers opposed to a strict adult whose primary goals are to find something, anything, that i could have done wrong.
     The approach I took to reading the novel i selected this quarter would be much different than the method we would use reading it aloud in class. I created a new routine, specifically for this novel. I would get up, and go to school each day. I would only read the novel on tuesdays during our specific SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) time. However, every day, including tuesday, upon my return to my humble abode i would reside myself on top of my porcelain throne. From my perch above the world i would purge all that is vile from my body, all to the calm and wise words of Langston Hughes. Reading on the john is a really calming experience. I see now why elder citizens in cartoons do it all the time, now.
     The main thing that i have taken out of blogging thus far though, is that english can be fun. Like other things though, you have to make the effort to make it enjoyable. I can attribute this philosophy to my Physical Education Class as well. Having P.E. so early in the day is awful, mostly because the class is filled with quite overweight people who have no desire to even attempt to enjoy themselves. I use this to the advantage of my self esteem, because there is nothing more satisfying than being the best badminton player in the class.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Well, here's another awesome animoto, this one's all about langston hughes and the dream catcher. CHECK IT OUT!
(Sorry for not directly putting the video into the post, i got lazy)